

About Me

Hi, my name is Christian Froehlich and I am a senior marketing major at Illinois State University. I am currently enrolled in a foundations to integrated marketing course (MKT 233), where I will be updating this blog on a weekly basis. I love to discover different restaurants, exercise, travel, and order almost anything I need or want online. Of course, if I'm not cautious on how often I do any of these activities, I can put a huge dent in my wallet. 

About My Blog

I chose to create a blog that informs students on different ways they can save, manage, and keep track of their spending. This topic interests me because I've always been attentive to what I'm spending my money on. Most college students have a very limited amount of money they can spend, so this blog will show them different ways they can keep as much money as possible in their pockets. Not only will this blog be beneficial to students reading it, but I will also benefit from what I learn while doing my research. This is my first time ever creating a blog and I'm excited to watch it progress through the semester!

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