
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Avoid Impulse Purchases

We've all spent more than enough time walking down the store aisle looking for something extra to buy. Our grocery cart has more than enough food for the week, but our curiosity of buying more keeps us lurking.

In order to avoid buying all that extra junk food at the end your trip, make a list of everything you need to buy. This can be food, drinks, school supplies, toiletries, etc.

By making a list you'll know exactly what you need to get. Once everything is checked off the list, you'll know you have everything you need and can head straight to the cash register. If you enjoy the experience of aimlessly roaming around the store, set a limit to how much you can spend on items not already on the list. Make sure to set this limit as you're making the list, NOT while you're in the store.

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