
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Keep Track Of Your Spending

In order to enjoy your time in college you're going to spend money, and a lot of it. Anything that's either fun, or tastes good, will most likely cost you. It's important to know how much you're spending, how often, and on what. If you don't keep track of this, the number in your bank account can seem to significantly drop in the blink of an eye.

Use Your Phone

Instead of stuffing your wallet with receipts, take advantage of your phone. Once you've noted what you've been spending money on for the week, you can determine if it was worth it to you or not. 

Make A Master List

Either use a sheet of paper or an excel document to see every purchase you've made over the year. It's important to DATE every expense so you can see reflect on your purchases at the end of each week, month, and year. This also allows you to see an average of what you spent over a certain time period.

Take Action

If you don't like seeing what you've been spending your money on, then do something about it. Say you open a $60 bar tab every weekend (and aren't happy about it). Either simply stop making poor spending decisions...or if you have no self-control, force yourself to stop. Leave your credit/debit card at home and bring out $15-$20 cash with you each night.